Gentry Creeks Youth

Merlin Flash Rouse X Perry Se Ungo Rot
UCI National Champion puppy at 3 months old! Multiple VP-1 ratings, VP-3 at AIRK Nationals
Picture at 12 weeks
Pictured at 4 months old
Pictured at 14 months!
Chloe wins Youth siegerin
at 14 months!
Pictured at 12 weeks old
Arco Earl Antonius X Beatrix von Hasan Hause
VP-3 at 5 months old in class of 12
Enkidu Crni Lotos X Face from Royal Breed
VP-2 Rated at her first show!​
Here are some pics of youth from our breedings, we do not currently own all of these youths.
Gentry Creeks Yashi

Ajka Se Ungo Rot ​X Arlos Majestic Rot(Pictured at 3 1/2 months)

VP-1 Rated​​
Gentry Creeks Zoey

Gentry Creeks Sasha X Vili Crni Lotos​ (Pictured at only 7 months!)

Multiple VP-1 ratings and Best female puppy!​​
Gentry Creeks Zeke

Gentry Creeks Sasha X Vili Crni Lotos (Pictured at only 9 months!)​​

Multiple VP-1 Ratings!​​
Gentry Creeks Bella

Habibi Se Ungo Rot X Tito Earl Antonius​​

Pictured at 4 1/2 months​

VP-1 Rated​​
Gentry Creeks Cici

Gentry Creeks Sasha X Tito Earl Antonius

Pictrured at 7 weeks​​​​